Made a major leap today. Switched from the iPhone to an Android device.
Got a Samsung S4 Active. Only had to pay $40 after trade in of my old phone and it is waterproof. A 5S would have been $40 more plus I would have to add another $80 for a waterproof case.
So far I love it, but I spent the first 4 hours trying to figure out why I couldn't receive text from my wife! Turns out, it is an Apple thing. Had to change my AppleID password, unattach my iPhone from my iCloud and iTunes accounts, and delete my IPhone from the Apple support web site. For anyone else who tries to do the same thing, it is easier to disable the itext feature on your iPhone before you trade it in.
Also, finally took Bill's advise and called Joel to get setup on the MS150 medic team. I need to get back in the saddle!